Reverse Culture Shock
They talked about in our "re-entry meeting," but I didn't think it would be super noticeable but it is. A few things that have really stood out to me once I've been back. I was hiking, and we reached the summit I went off to take photos. When I looked back I saw my trip leader down in child's pose, doing yoga, except I thought he was praying. In Tajikistan, I awkwardly walked in on people praying so frequently that I just assumed. The first reasons my brain thought he wasn't praying was because I noticed he wasn't facing east (the sun was setting so it was easy to see the cardinal directions), even though in Tajikistan they pray facing west. It was only after that thought went through my head that I remembered I was in the U.S. that ever few hipster yogi white men are actually Muslim, and he was actually doing yoga. I kept putting my toilet paper in the wastebasket in my bathroom instead of in the toilet since I had grown so used to doing that in Tajik...