This is the last stop before Dushanbe! It took a 13-hour flight to get here. I watched Pursuit of Happyness and practiced vocab a bit, but needless to say I still don't feel prepared. Apparently, we will be having placement tests once we get to Dushanbe. I don't even have the order of the alphabet memorized! Though I do know the sounds associated with the letters luckily. It is dark in Dubai, so I can't see much, and the airport looks just like the US expect all the McDonald's signs are in Arabic. There was even a Krispy Kreme. Also, it's 101 degrees Fahrenheit, even though the sun was down. Some vocab I assume will prove essential:
- Илтимос, оҳиста гапзанед: Please speak slowly
- Илтимос, такрор кунед: Please repeat
- Мебахше: Excuse me/pardon me/forgive me
- Раҳмат(и калон): Thank you (very much)
- Нафаҳмидам: I didn't understand
Less frequently used phrases will probably be:
- фаҳмидам: I understood
I don't have very strong internet here at the Dubai airport, but I will do my best to post photos when I get a chance, so I can keep them in one place.
Барори кор, Alan!