June 29th, 2019

            My cold got worse, so I am staying home today. I am missing going to the bazaar, but I think that is okay since I didn’t really need to buy anything. I have five weeks lefts to buy souvenirs. Some shorts might have been nice since my host mom said I could wear shorts, but the only kind I have are these very casual basketball shorts. Being sick sucks because you are missing out on a once in a lifetime experience and you don’t have access to Netflix or anything else like that. I can’t even find my earbuds to listen to music. While Martin Hagglund (author of my summer reading book, This Life) is a smart man with interesting ideas, he is tough reading when you can barely type, let alone think. And the Cormac McCarthy books I brought are just so violent and sickness-addled brain doesn’t know where to put the quotation marks like normal. That said I think Cormac McCarthy is my new favorite author (to read when not sick). He reminds me of Hemmingway.
 Things that I probably should be doing instead of reading Blood Meridian or writing this:
-       marking up This Life

  • -       Prepping for the Math 2 subject test in August when I return
  • -       Practicing reading aloud in Tajik, since in class that is one area where I am really struggling
  • -       Memorizing vocab! There is so much vocab. When you have five hours of one subject a day you get a lot of new vocabulary. Though there is something nice about studying one subject so deeply.


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