June 30, 2019 (Last day of June!)
· Rose: Not being sick as a dog anymore. Don’t physically feel like trash! · Thorn: For dinner, we had since stuffed peppers. My host mother made some with meat and some without, but all in the same pot, since they are cooked in a soup broth. Not only am I pretty sure it was an animal broth, but there were also little pieces of beef floating in it. As a vegetarian who hasn’t eaten meat since God-knows-when this was very tough · Bud: Internet cafĂ© tomorrow! There’s so much I need to do. I didn’t realize how much not having internet access would affect me and how many little things I use it for. · Bee/Pollen: Someone who helped you and how they helped you · Roots: We went to a Sufi Muslim shrine today and we basically walked around and there were men sitting at various places around the compound. We would approach them...